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GlowOne forges ahead with LED solutions for a digital world

관리자 | 2018.03.14 15:32 | 조회 5697

GlowOne’s cutting-edge solutions are derived from long-standing test-bed

focused on optics, radiation and circuit technologies


Through the convergence of technologies, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting contributes to provide smart solutions for today’s digital lifestyle. GlowOne, South Korea’s leading proponent of LED technology, is at the forefront of such innovation with its total commitment to eco-friendly, green growth.

Founded in 2010 as POSCO LED, GlowOne is a global market leader in LED lighting especially for industrial applications. Acquiring SKC Lighting in October last year, GlowOne aims to be in a league of its own. Its cutting-edge solutions are derived from long-standing test-bed focused on optics, radiation and circuit technologies.

With installations across 100 industrial sites in 22 countries, the company has demonstrated success in facilities as diverse as steel mills, semiconductor clean rooms and skyscrapers such as Frankfurt’s MesseTurm.

POSCO, which is the world’s first steel mill to embrace LED lighting, and SK Hynix, a prominent semiconductor company, are among GlowOne’s long-time customers.

“Innovation is always customer-driven, and we deliver total solutions because they maximise energy savings from LED lighting,” says Yoon Hee-chong, president and CEO.

Innovation is always customer-driven, and we deliver total solutions because they maximise energy savings from LED lighting
Yoon Hee-chong, president and CEO

GlowOne’s high-bay series uses magnesium-based alloy and aluminium housing designed to prevent overheating, ensuring investment returns on facilities lighting. Lately, it has used 100 per cent magnesium, which makes the fixtures even lighter. Designed in collaboration with POSCO, the product will be available starting this year.

In addition, GlowOne has applied an internet-of-things platform to LED lighting. One of its innovations is blue light control technology to prevent eyesight damage from lighting.

GlowOne’s continuous innovation has made a global impact on productivity optimisation and carbon mitigation. It is forging ahead with a special focus on the automotive, new material and internet-of-things applications of LED lighting.

The company is keen on forming partnerships in Asia, especially in Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore, with local players that have a strong market presence and solid capabilities in engineering, services and installation.

“We would like to explore knowledge transfer opportunities in Southeast Asia, where a technological breakthrough could lay the foundation for sustainable living,” Yoon says.

PUBLISHED : Thursday, 01 March, 2018, 11:49am
UPDATED : Thursday, 01 March, 2018, 11:49am

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